« Jeudi d’APSI », passion permits business transformation

The Tony Parker Adéquat Academy welcomed this morning APSI, official partner, who organized his monthly breakfast-networking. This Thursday, the proposed theme found all its meaning within the Academy: « passion permits business transformation ».

Xavier LUCAS, Vice-President of the Tony Parker Adéquat Academy, welcomed the sixty people for this morning meeting.

A presentation of the concept of the Academy has allowed them to better understand the involvement of APSI in the construction of the campus, which has responded to the desire to make workspaces flexible, to propose a new way of living the daily, with flexible spaces, individual or collective, adapting to the needs of Academicians, collaborators and visitors.

The link between passion and business transformation was also put forward by Jean POULY, Consultant in digital transformation specializing in the mutation of work and education Econum, and Jérémie BATAILLE, creator of FlexJob, a company built on the following reason: (re)make sense of the job.

The meeting ended with a visit of the campus: after the « Work Zone » and the « Life Zone », the participants were able to discover the « Play Zone », training place for the Academicians.

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